Pool Filter Sand Removal

For our Pool Filter Sand Removal services submit our form, or call today: (248) 912-9974

Pool Filter Sand Removal

A pool that uses a sand filter tank does so because it’s an excellent way to trap contaminants. The sand particles are hard and jagged, which makes them best equipped to trap other dirt or contaminants as the filter cycles through.

Inside the large round or cylindrical tank, there is often some kind of fan propelling the sand to keep it from being still. Because of this movement, the filter is able to work through and the sand can trap the contaminants. While the sand is moved somewhat slowly, it works fast enough for the water to siphon through. Finally, the water filters back out with the contaminants extracted.

Now, due to the trapping of contaminants by the sand, it creates build-up. The frequency of removal will depend upon a lot of factors, but mostly the size of your pool relative to your filter. However, it is always smart to have your filter checked to make sure it is operating efficiently. Especially when you consider that the sharp jagged sand can be prone to smoothing out the filter edges. If this happens then it can reduce the effectiveness of the filter.

In this instance, you will likely have to get a replacement. But, you can avoid a costly replacement sooner by making sure you are keeping up with your tank, and replacing sand as recommended.

Making It Easy

We know it can be tempting to take a shop vac out to try and remove the sand if its a residential pool. However, you run the risk of not doing a thorough job. Or, you might even damage your equipment if its not equipped for this task.

Sand removal is a tricky task, especially depending on the size of your tank. Also, you have to take into consideration the amount of material that has built up in your tank. We recommend contacting our professionals for a consultation.

Further, this recommendation rings especially true if this is a larger municipal pool. The bigger the pool, the bigger the tank. And for anything bigger than a residential tank, you’ll need professional tools to get the job done right.

Truck Services

Luckily, with our vactor vehicles, this job is simple. Our trucks have strong pumps for the job, and tanks onboard to remove the sand at the same time. We take care of it all, and we can do in a quick and easy manner.

Our trucks are state-of-the-art and allow us the flexibility to come wherever our clients are. So, set up a consultation today. Once our specialists are able to inspect the tank, they can make a recommendation. Then, they’ll follow up with information on when you should get your next cleaning, and what to look for as a sign that something might be wrong.

For more information submit our form, or call today: (248) 912-9974. Our technicians are on call 24/7, and we will respond to any emergency within 90 minutes.