FAQ – When should I replace your HVAC system?

Most people don’t think about their HVAC system until it breaks down. Then it’s clear that you’re way too hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. Regular maintenance from a trusted professional such as ServicePro can save you the hassle of unexpected repairs down the road, keeping your HVAC system running efficiently and properly all year round.

The heating, air conditioning and plumbing professionals at ServicePro are here to share some red flags for when it’s time to replace your home’s HVAC system. If you end up needing new equipment, we’ve got you covered.

Here are a few reasons you may consider having a ServicePro professional come check out your current HVAC system.

  1. Your utility bills are increasing

Comparing your energy bills to the same month last year can give you a clue if your HVAC system needs any updates or repairs. Rising utility bills can be a sign that you need to have a professional take a look at how well your system is running. It’s normal for the efficiency of your system to decrease over time because of normal wear and tear. Keeping an eye on your utility bills is a great way to stay ahead of the game.

  1. You have uneven temperatures throughout your home

If your HVAC system can’t maintain a consistent temperature throughout your entire home, it may need to be looked at. For example, a system that’s too large for the home can do short cycling. The temperature gets satisfied in the house too quickly, and it causes the system to turn off.

  1. Your HVAC system runs constantly

It’s normal for the air conditioner to run during really hot summer days, but if the air conditioner seems to be running constantly on a more normal day, it may need some attention.  Getting the repairs and maintenance it needs will help save you money in the long run and give you a more comfortable home year-round.

  1. Your HVAC system is getting old

ServicePro technicians might now have an exact answer as to how long your  HVAC system is supposed to last, but they can give you a general idea. It really depends on how well it was installed and how much maintenance it received. ServicePro will give you the information you need to keep your HVAC system running as it should.

  1. You’ve spent a lot on repairs

Keeping your HVAC system running properly will require occasional maintenance over time. When you start getting leaks in the coils or the compressor starts giving you issues, you may consider a replacement at that time.

If you receive repair estimates that exceed what you hoped to spend, you might want to think about investing that money into a replacement new HVAC system will not only help you make the most of your home improvement budget, but it will keep your house comfortable — no matter what the weather report says.