FAQ – What are the benefits of commercial UV lamp installation?

Installing a UV light into a commercial HVAC system offers an additional level of protection against hazardous airborne pollutants. UV lights are active systems, so it’s important to have them installed, maintained, and serviced by a skilled and experienced commercial HVAC professional. It’s now more important than ever to have UV lights to improve the indoor air quality of your commercial building. ServicePro will work closely with you to create the most effective indoor air quality (IAQ) strategy for your commercial building.

Your commercial building may be accessible to hundreds of people each day. This creates conditions conducive to the spread of disease through substandard air transference. In conjunction with other IAQ products, UV lights can reduce the spread of flu, colds, and allergy irritants.

Benefits of Commercial UV lamp installation 

  • Reduced incidence of lung-related disease and symptoms
  • Lower chance of spreading airborne disease
  • Eliminates the need for harsh cleaning agents for dirty coils
  • Lower risk of mold or fungi growth on critical components inside the HVAC system
  • Reduced growth of biological material inside the air handler and condensate drain pans
  • Eliminates foul odors for fresher smelling indoor air
  • Longer equipment life
  • Lower HVAC maintenance and repair costs

Other Considerations

UV light is just one component of your comprehensive indoor air quality strategy. You’ll need effective filtration to eliminate airborne dust, and mechanical air exchange should be used to remove stale indoor air and replace it with fresh air from outside.